
Hindi online class is an educational institute which provides spoken Hindi classes for students via Skype. From the comfort of your home, office or anywhere you can avail our classes at your own convenient time. Our classes are very structured, customized to the needs of the student and very effective. Our students are from different nationalities like Germany, France, Italy, UK, US etc and of varied ages and occupations.

Why Us

We understand that each person has a unique learning requirement, learning interest and learning style. We take into account all these aspects while providing Hindi classes. We teach with zeal, passion and make the lessons .

Our Teaching Methods

Depending on the level we watch Hindi films, TV episodes, read Hindi newspaper articles, watch documentaries, talk shows and discuss on the same for practice. The students receive their own working material.

Online Classes

Levels In Hindi


Hindi online class

Hindi online class is an educational institute which provides spoken Hindi classes for students via Skype. From the comfort of your home, office or anywhere you can avail our classes at your own convenient time. Our classes are very structured, customized to the needs of the student and very effective. Our students are from different nationalities like Germany, France, Italy, UK, US etc and of varied ages and occupations.

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Privatunterricht Hindi, Hindi Zürich (Hindi in Zurich) , Hindi schreiben
, Hindi lernen, Sprachschule (language school), Hindi Sprachkurs online (hindi course online), Hindi Kurs online (Hindi course online), Sprachkurse Hindi (language courses Hindi), sprachunterricht hindi (language teaching Hindi), sprachunterricht hindi ( Indian language learning), hindi lernen mit skype (Hindi learn with skype), Hindi Lernen via Skype

Hindi online class

Hindi Online School

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Hindi apprendre Hindi learn), Hindi professeur (Hindi teacher), Hindi en ligne (Hindi online), Хинди онлайн (Hindi online), Хинди с носителем языка (Hindi with native speaker)
, Хинди в Индии (Hindi in India), Уроки хинди (Hindi lessons), Уроки хинди онлайн Hindi lessons online), Разговорный хинди (conversational Hindi), Учить хинди (learn Hindi), Kрс хинди (Hindi course), Курс хинди в Индии (Hindi course in India), Курс хинди онлайн (Hindi online course), Преподаватель хинди в Индии (Hindi teacher in India)

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